Official Car Wash of the Utah Jazz


What to Expect

Say goodbye to dirt and grime, and hello to a sparkling clean car.
Here are our top tips to help you and your car look good & feel good! 

Before Arriving
Please remember to roll up your windows, fold in your mirrors, unscrew any radio antennas, clean out your truck bed, and remove any excess mud, dirt, or snow. This helps keep both your vehicle and our wash equipment safe!
After Paying for Wash
After you pay for a wash at the Kiosk Pay Station, our Preppers will be there to assist you. They will guide your vehicle into the tunnel’s wheel track and instruct you to put the car in neutral, remove your hands from the steering wheel, and take your feet off the gas and brake pedals. Then, they’ll begin to spray your vehicle to remove excess bugs and grime and brush the windows with soap for a deeper clean.
Enjoy the Wash!
It’s time to enjoy the wash! The process will take approximately four minutes. Be sure to turn off the air recirculation setting to take in the fun scents we use during the wash. Once your vehicle has completely stopped after the dryers, you can safely put it into Drive and exit the wash tire track.
After Exiting Wash
After exiting the wash tunnel, you can drive into an open stall to take advantage of our complimentary vacuums, microfiber towels, air nozzles, and spray window cleaner. You can also use our free floor mat cleaning machine located next to the building.

Tagg-N-Go Car Wash is the next generation of quality car care. Instead of a 30 to 60-minute wait at a full-service car wash, Tagg-N-Go guests get in and out in as little as 4 minutes. At Tagg-N-Go, every wash includes a final rinse with purified spot-free water so your vehicle will never have water spots.

For guests who want to clean their own interior, Tagg-N-Go Car Wash includes the FREE use of our powerful central vacuums, air chucks, microfiber towels, and window cleaner with every wash. We also have vending machines that offer a wide range of interior and exterior car care products.

The reason why there’s two “G’s” in Tagg-N-Go: The owners, Quinn & Conner, bought into a penny stock called ‘Tagg’ when first becoming business partners. The investment initially did well but then, like most penny stocks, it went to zero.

At that moment, Quinn & Conner decided to look into more secure options and vowed not to let business failure define them.

Yes! Our powerful central vacuums at Tagg-N-Go are always free with the purchase of any car wash. Tagg-N-Go pass holders are welcome to use the vacuums whether they wash the exterior of their vehicle or not.

For non-pass holders, if you don’t purchase a wash, there is a $2 charge at most locations (please see the attendant to purchase). However, at our Lehi location, vacuums are only accessible inside the wash area, so a car wash purchase is required to use them.

Yes, we do offer gift cards in any amount. Please visit our on-site office at any location for more information.

We do not accept excessively muddy/icy vehicles and reserve the right to refuse service.

That depends; a variety of factors can determine the frequency of car washes. Road conditions, driving wear and tear, and weather can play a role. In general, we recommend washing at least twice a month to keep your car looking like new, maintain a good clear coat finish, and retain its value for resale.

Yes, we are proud members of the Water Savers Program and WCA’s Water Wise Program. When washing your vehicle in our state-of-the-art car wash, you are conserving water and helping to protect the environment. Tagg-N-Go Car Wash reclaims, recycles, reuses, and purifies a portion of water that is used in the cleaning process. This results in significant water savings over traditional at-home car washes or hand washing. We use cleaning chemicals that are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Because we control the flow rate and the water pressure, we use far less water per car than washing at home.

When you wash your vehicle at home it can be detrimental to the environment. Typically, home car washes use more water and it is nearly impossible to recapture soaps, cleaners, road grime, oil, and other contaminants that soak into the ground and/or run into the storm drain system which pollutes our drinking water. Tagg-N-Go is proud to offer a clean green solution.

Tagg-N-Go Car Wash incorporates state of the art water purification (reverse osmosis & soft water) systems in every wash. The purification system removes 99.8% of the minerals and impurities that would leave water stains on your vehicle in a normal wash.

Tagg-N-Go Car Wash offers many important advantages over washing your vehicle at home. Our car wash applies high-tech chemicals that clean dust, residues, and offers added protection. Most importantly, Tagg-N-Go Car Wash saves time, money, and resources in various wash packages to fit your budget.

Yes, research and development have led to the creation of protectants and shining products that are far better for your paint than traditional wax applications. Products like Carnauba Wax, Rain Protectant, and Triple Foam Polish protect your vehicle against all types of weather conditions. We recommend regular application of one or more of these products to help maintain your vehicle.

  • Vehicles that sit too low to the ground, clearance of 5″
  • Lifted vehicles that are too high, 7’2″ maximum clearance
  • Tires too wide for our conveyor, max 12.5”
  • Trucks with flatbeds, dual rear tires, ladder racks, fuel tanks, or loose items and debris
    • Loose items not allowed can include: tow straps, electrical cords, rocks, leaves, fishing gear, bikes, shovels, rope, tools, etc.
  • Vehicles with anything attached to the hitch other than the ball or cover, i.e. rock tamers/mud flaps
  • Vehicles with ladder racks, tent racks, cargo carriers, bike racks, canoe racks, etc on the top or the back
  • Vehicles with attached ladders (ladders behind a wheel/tire are acceptable)
  • Dodge TRX, Hummer H1, or any other vehicle that is too wide
  • Recreational vehicles, campers, and trailers
  • Any other vehicle with aftermarket parts that are not deemed to be safe

All Unlimited Tagg-N-Go pass holders will be charged on the day you buy your pass and will reoccur that same day every month going forward until canceled by you. Notice is to be given at least 3 business days before your next billing cycle occurs.

Tagg-N-Go Unlimited pass holders are required to use a debit or credit card.

The pass is linked to your vehicle’s license plate and is non-transferable. If you get a new car, a new license plate, or want to transfer to another vehicle, we will update your pass for you in our system.

We will not issue any refunds on your unlimited pass due to the wash being out of order or canceling your unlimited wash pass in the middle of a billing period.

We reserve the right to cancel your Tagg-N-Go Unlimited Pass at any time and for any reason.

Extra muddy/icy vehicles, even with an unlimited pass, will be charged an additional fee for mud/ice removal.

Although our wash is very safe, clients assume full responsibility for any damage to their vehicle while washing. Vehicles that are in poor condition or have loose parts, rust, after markets add-ons, antennas, bug deflectors and/or any parts that are not securely fastened are your responsibility.

Effective July 2023
Refunds for Unlimited Wash Passes

Tagg-N-Go Car Wash does not offer refunds on Unlimited Wash Passes.

A grace period of 2 business days after auto-charge is applicable for all Unlimited Wash Pass purchases. During this grace period, customers may request a refund for the Unlimited Wash Pass if they have not used the service.

  • Any introductory pricing that is stated as “for your first month” will automatically recharge the following month at regular retail price, refunds will not be issued on promotional passes.
We accept all major credit and debit cards. Our automated pay stations or car wash attendants will assist you with your individual wash selections and payment options. If you’ve purchased our Tagg-N-Go Unlimited Wash Pass, your license plate will be read by our equipment which allows you to go right through our car wash hassle-free.
Tagg-N-Go prioritizes employee safety and wellness. Cashless transactions provide a higher level of security compared to traditional cash handling.

Fill out this form for a free wash!

Employee Referral

Candidate must be at least 16 years of age.

Suzie Behm

Saratoga Springs, UT

Hi! My name is Suzie Behm. I am 66 years old. My husband and I have 6 children born to us and we adopted 3 of our grand daughters when they were 3 years old, 6 months and then brought the baby home with us from the hospital. They are now 21, 17 and 16. We have 32 grandkids and 7 great grandkids. I LOVE my family! This year my husband and I will be celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary! We were high school sweethearts and he continues to be my best friend! I have also been a registered nurse since I was 19 years old and am still working full time. I LOVE my job!

Our breast cancer journey started in May of this year (2024) and totally caught us by surprise. We feel so blessed to have had a radiologist at American Fork Hospital that, quite frankly, probably saved my life. He found a small lump that he really thought was “nothing” but decided to “prove it was benign”. Had he not done that I would likely not sought additional imaging for a year. By the time I had surgery 6 additional tumors were found and positive lymph nodes found during surgery. I am so very grateful this radiologist who erred on the side of caution and likely saved my life.

I am blessed with wonderful children, their spouses and grand children and great grandchildren. I am blessed to still have my 89 year old mother in my life as well. Life is good. Treatment has progressed well. I am so grateful to Tagg-N-Go for this very kind and generous offering. How wonderful that you are doing this for me. I am humbled and grateful. Thank you so very much. With much Gratitude, Suzie Behm

Stephanie McCurdy

Rexburg, ID

My journey with cancer started when I was a young wife of 3 years and mother with a beautiful 1 year old little girl. Having had no cancer in my family that I knew of at that point, the “c” word was a very scary word. It was something that I hadn’t ever even imagined having but quickly found myself and my little family lives changing in many ways. Those ways included many physical, emotional, mental, financial trials as well as blessings in each of those areas.
I remember sitting in the doctors office, after being diagnosed with colon cancer, realizing that I had to make a decision. Was I going to fight or give in to this “C” beast. I knew in my heart that fighting was the only way, but I didn’t realize at the time just how much of or long of a fight it was going to be.

I fought through a whole year of chemo with the constant help from my husband, family, and many friends as well as my little girl who needed a mom. What was I supposed to learn from this trial? I learned that I didn’t need to have long thick hair or eyelashes to be able to read her a story and that we could snuggle and have naps together on those days that I was so sick after a chemo treatment. A year went by and I thought I was done, only to find out that after that 1st diagnosis and a 52 chemo treatments, the “C” word was back. Well that started the next several years of fighting. I fought through many more treatments, being so sick and worn down but not willing to give up the fight for myself and my family. I learned that having a pity party for myself didn’t make anything any better than having a positive attitude, in fact it made things worse. I found things to be thankful for and after many long months, I was finally cancer free and so proud of having won the battle. Again, little did I know what was in store.

Growing up in a big family, I had always dreamed of a family of my own and I found myself sitting in the doctors office being told that I would not be able to have any more children. At first I was devastated and felt defeated but I remembered that I had won a hard battle before and I wasn’t going to give up on this dream already. So again we fought. We fought through several years of adoption agencies, fought for 15 different kids who were in the foster system who we loved as our own for no matter how long they were in our home. After several years of fighting and loving those kids, we were blessed to add 4 more handsome little boys to our family. My dreams were coming true and life was good.

Then 20 years after my last chemo treatment, I found myself back in the doctors office after having a few symptoms and the cancer was back. Same kind, same place. Call me stubborn or whatever you want but my attitude wasn’t going to change. I still didn’t have the answer as to why me, but it didn’t matter. I focused on the how. How was I going to win this next fight? Because that was what I was going to do! After a 17 ½ hour surgery during which they found that I also had uterine cancer, 6 more months of hard chemo treatments I had won yet another fight. A year later, a small surgery was needed to remove a cancer diagnosis #5 from a lymph node. I had decided throughout all these years of fighting that I was going to look for the positive in whatever happened and so no chemo that time was definitely a win!

At that point, I had learned so much through all my experiences, I was sure that I was done with the “c” word and had learned all I could. But not yet. As of today, I am still fighting. “You have cancer” came again 6 months ago. This time has been different. I have continued to fight physically but the emotional and mental fight has been so much harder. I have had many experiences that have helped me understand what others struggle with on a daily basis when mental issues are involved. I have learned empathy and love for everyone. I have continued to learn the importance of looking for the positive, as little or as big, as those could be. I have continued to have the support of a loving family, many friends and community members. I am going to continue to fight because I have so much to live for.

Through all these fights, I was never alone. I was blessed to be part of an amazing family who I love. They definitely fought with me. I was blessed to live in several communities who loved and supported me in so many ways. I was blessed to have learned many lessons along the way, one of which is the importance of service. I have been the recipient of so much service and I am so thankful. I can’t wait until the day that I can feel good enough to repay and even pay forward all of those acts of service given to me and help others in need. That is my next dream and I am going to fight until it happens! In the meantime, my son who is serving an LDS mission in Pittsburg Pennsylvania is helping me by his example of serving others. I am so blessed to live in such a loving and wonderful community who take care of each other and have helped me learn yet another lesson throughout out all my trials.

Melanie Holman

St. George, UT

My name is Melanie Holman. I am a secretary at Riverside Elementary, a wife, a mother, and a grandma. Here is my cancer story.

In May I received a routine mammogram. But unlike all of my previous ones, this time the doctor ordered a follow up ultrasound where they requested to do an immediate biopsy. In the following days I was told I indeed had breast cancer.

Hearing YOU have cancer I imagine is never easy, but imagine being told you have cancer when your sister and your life’s best friend has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is literally on her deathbed. That was my reality, and waiting to receive how serious of a stage my cancer was in was excruciating, as daily I was faced to confront the deathly effects of cancer as I visited my sister. All of this happened while my child was being hospitalized for severe depression.

My sister’s kids delayed their mom’s funeral so I could have my cancer removal surgery two days before we laid my sister to rest.

Luckily, they believe they caught the cancer early enough, and that radiation should have me cancer free.

I am beyond grateful that I have more time to enjoy the things that make up my life, especially as I have a daughter getting married this month and a granddaughter I am so enjoying watching grow up.

I had wonderful doctors and appreciate all they have done for me. However, cancer treatment is not cheap. And with my school’s insurance starting over again in August, I had to pay the out of pocket expense for the surgery in July and then pay the out of pocket expense again for radiation in August. I was unsure how I was going to pay for everything. Then I was nominated for Tagg-N-Go’s Scarewash. This was truly an answer to prayers and I thank them and all who will support me me in the Scarewash.

Connor Cleveland

Cedar City, UT

Connor was born and raised here in Cedar with his 3 siblings, while Jill moved here with her family 10 years ago. They got married here in Cedar City in August of 2022. They plan to stay in Cedar and have hopes to start a family soon!

“Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma known as Large B-Cell Lymphoma. This is a non-hereditary cancer that can grow rapidly. We fortunately caught it early on and were able to start treatments right away. We did a lot of running to Salt Lake and back this summer as I received my treatments. We are so thankful for all the hospital staff in SLC and Cedar City for all they did and still do! As of mid August, I have completed all six exhausting rounds of chemotherapy. We have a follow-up scan in the beginning of November that will let us know what the future will look like and if any further treatment will be needed.

“We appreciate all the love, support, and prayers we have gotten from family, friends, and our amazing community! We are also very thankful for Tagg-N-Go holding a fundraising scare-wash where all the donations will help us ease our financial burden. It is truly an amazing thing they do each year to help local families in their fight. We have been extremely thankful for Gods sovereignty and grace throughout this challenging time.”